Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Using financial statements to create commercial customer loyalty

What makes a good business customer....
"A customer with a set of financial statements that delivers no unpleasant surprises"
 Quote from a seasoned banker
Financial statements are a common bond between the banker and her business customers. Good quality numbers provides the banker with opportunity, yet very few banks use financial statements to their advantage.
Helping business transform their financial statements into a powerful business tool can only be a win win for all.
It is common knowledge that most small to medium sized business owners have limited knowledge as to how financial statements can be used to improve performance and reduce risk.
This knowledge gap represents an excellent opportunity for banks to fill the void and build communities of interest around the bank brand.
What if the banker took a very different approach? Instead of only using financial statements as part of the due diligence process. Convert these documents into a marketing tool.
If the bank can provide business with an effective and easy way to analyze their financial statements that can help to improve profit, cash and returns, which business would not think that to be valuable?
Our solution is to combine knowledge with technology creating a community of interest for the bank customers.
Our system allows the banker to deliver at no cost to the customer or prospect, a branded version of our financial statement analysis and “what if” software. The system resides on the customer’s desktop/laptop thus eliminating any security issues. 
Our interactive analysis tool will allow your customers to analyze their financial statements, measuring the impact of strategies on growth, profit and cash flow.
For more information on how you can use financial statements to differentiate your banks value offer please contact
Andre Gien Agien@gfbridge.com  /925-323-2802
Josh Lloyd  Jlloyd@gfbridge.com /970-264-1367
or toll free 888-755-5378


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